Blogs / Articles: Confident

Event: Learn how to create your 30 second commercial 
26-Jan-22: David Kolakowski
Audience, Communication, Confident, Listen, Presentation
Topic:Learn how to create and execute the right elevator pitch to generate action. David Kolakowski, Author of "Tell Me More, the Ultimate Guide to crafting & Delivering Inspiring Presentations, Fearlessly" will be the speaker and sponsor of the Coffee Connector on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. If you are tired of the same old 30 second introduction, come learn how to make it compelling, fun and actionable. With this new approach you will be remembered and they will call you.  Read More...
How to speak confidently to get results 
6-Oct-21: David Kolakowski
Confident, Presentation, Words, Positive
The key to being confident when you speak is to be assumptive and not passive.  When you assume you will get what you want you will ask more confidently and confidence is key. How to speak confidently in different situations. You don't want to come across as wishy washy. Technically, Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action. Passive voice sounds a little deceptive and dishonest at times, especially in a business situation.  Read More...